Your Council Tax could be reduced, or you may be exempt from paying, if your property is unoccupied for a short time or for a specific reason and your only or main residence is somewhere else.
Properties which are empty for over a year might have to pay double the normal Council Tax rate for the property.
100% discount can only be awarded to properties that meet the criteria of the relevant category. Some discounts are time-limited by law and and any successful award can be reviewed at any time.
How to qualify
To show you qualify, we'll ask you for:
- your council tax account number
- your name and contact details
- details about the property you live in
- details about the property you are claiming a discount for
- details about the dates of occupation
- evidence to support your claim
How to apply
Download an unoccupied property exemption application form (DOCX, 63KB)
You can also call 030 33 33 3005 to apply.
After you apply
It normally takes about 6 weeks to process an application, as long as you've given us all the information we need. Your account will be updated as soon as a decision is made.
If you do not qualify
If you do not qualify, we'll tell you why. You can ask for a review if you do not agree with our decision. We'll send you a letter which explains how to appeal. We usually assess appeals within 5 working days.