Update on council services affected by Storm Eowyn
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Find out what discounts, reductions and exemptions you may be able to claim to reduce your Council Tax bill for an occupied property.
You may be able to get help with your Council Tax if you are on a low income or getting certain benefits. This help is called Council Tax Reduction and is not included with Universal Credit so you must apply for this separately.
You may qualify for this reduction if you are responsible for paying Council Tax and any of the following apply to you:
Apply for Council Tax Reduction
You can also call 030 33 33 3006 to apply.
If you qualify for Council Tax Reduction, you can apply for Housing Benefit at the same time. When you apply we'll tell you if you should claim Universal Credit instead of Housing Benefit.
You may qualify for other Council Tax discounts and exemptions or Council Tax empty property discounts. You must apply for these separately.
It normally takes about 2 weeks to process an application, as long as you've given us all the information we need.
If you qualify we'll backdate payments to the Monday after you applied.
If you're unhappy with a Council Tax Reduction decision, you can ask for an explanation of our decision or a review. If you're still not happy once we have reviewed our decision, you can appeal the decision.
If you would like an explanation of our decision, send us an enquiry about your claim.
Send us an enquiry about your claim
We will contact you within 7 days to explain how we calculated your claim.
If you're unhappy with our explanation or you want us to review our decision you must ask for this within 2 months of the date of our original benefit decision letter, which will have details of where to send your review.
In your request, you must provide:
An officer that has not been involved in your application before will look at your application again and let you know their decision within 1 month.
You can appeal to the Local Taxation Chamber if either of these conditions is met:
If you want to appeal, you must:
Email or post your appeal form to: