Free school meals
You maybe be able to get free school meals for your secondary school child if you meet the income criteria.
Check if your child can get free school meals
How to pay for school meals
Meals in secondary schools cost £2.10 per day. Pupils can pay with cash or with a Young Scot card for cashless payments.
Pay with a Young Scot card
You can order a Young Scot card online or get one from the school. You can top up the cards in two ways:
- add money to the card online (this is not available for pupils from Dalry Secondary School)
- add money to the card with cash or a cheque at school
If you want to top up the card online you'll need an iPayimpact account, the payment system used to order school meals.
You will need your child's Young Scot card to register your child on iPayimpact. The first 14 digits of the Young Scot number is your child's account reference, which you'll need to link them to your iPayimpact account. You can email to ask for your child's account reference.
You'll need a mygovscot account to sign up. If you do not have one you can sign up for this separately or when you set up your iPayimpact account.
Set up your iPayimpact account
When in iPayimpact select 'link an account' at the top of the page and enter your child's account reference. Then select 'find account and establishment' to add your child's school.
Our menus
Our schools provide a lunchtime meals menu which changes every week for 3 weeks. We also have special even menus for Burns, Saint Andrew's and Christmas. You'll be able to see what's available when your order meals, or you can contact the school office or email to get the latest menus.