This is your new website for Dumfries and Galloway We are still moving the old webpages, so you may find yourself back on our old council website from time to time.
Primary schools Get information on primary schools in the region. Secondary schools Get information on secondary schools in the region. School term and holiday dates Find out when schools open and close. School meals Find out about school meals, who can get free school meals and the variety of meals our schools provide. Financial support for education Find out what financial support you may be able to get for your child. Support for pupils Find out how to get support for your child, including languages, assisted support for learning, educational visitors and psychology services. Hire school facilities Find out how to hire school facilities like halls, classrooms, gyms and playing fields, when children are not in school. Music in schools Lessons for pupils who want to play a musical instrument and the Youth Music Initiative, providing local opportunities for pupils in primary schools. Devolved school management How primary and secondary headteachers and nursery managers can use devolved management to run their schools and nurseries. Emergency school closures Details of school closures in emergencies. Education improvement plan
School meals Find out about school meals, who can get free school meals and the variety of meals our schools provide.
Financial support for education Find out what financial support you may be able to get for your child.
Support for pupils Find out how to get support for your child, including languages, assisted support for learning, educational visitors and psychology services.
Hire school facilities Find out how to hire school facilities like halls, classrooms, gyms and playing fields, when children are not in school.
Music in schools Lessons for pupils who want to play a musical instrument and the Youth Music Initiative, providing local opportunities for pupils in primary schools.
Devolved school management How primary and secondary headteachers and nursery managers can use devolved management to run their schools and nurseries.