Update on council services affected by Storm Eowyn
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If your child goes to their catchment school, they may be able to get free transport to school.
Your child's school will tell you how to apply.
The transport method you are offered will be arranged by the school. We provide free school transport in a number of ways:
Your child will only qualify for free school transport if they go to their catchment school or their nearest Catholic school.
Your child may qualify for free school transport, depending on their age and the shortest walking distance from their home to the school:
If your child does not live far enough away from the school, they may be able to get free school transport if:
Contact the school for more information.
Secondary pupils in the catchment areas for Dumfries Burgh schools may get assistance with transport if they qualify for free transport to their catchment school but go to another school in the Burgh.
The schools are:
Contact the school if you want to apply.
If your child lives near a school transport route, you can apply for a seat if the transport is not full. This is called a Non-Entitled Pupil (NEP) Transport Application. Complete the application form in May for the following school and take it to your child's school. You will receive a written response by the end of September in term 1 of the school year. You will have to apply again each year. If you are granted NEP transport and this is needed, for an entitled pupil at a later date, you will be informed in writing providing a three week notice period to arrange alternative transport.
Your child's place may be withdrawn if it's needed for another eligible pupil or if they transport route changes and no longer goes near your home.
Our emergency transport fund can provide crisis payments for up to 1 year, to a maximum value of £250. These payments may be made to help your child to get to school if:
Complete the application form and return it using the contact details on the form. You will normally get a decision within 2 weeks.