You can make a request to home educate your child rather than have them taught at school. You must however provide an efficient education that is suitable for their age and abilities.
Withdrawing your child from school
If you want to withdraw your child from school in order to home educate them, you must inform us and request our consent.
Firstly you must send us a letter or email us. Please tell us your child's:
- full name
- date of birth
- current school
Post: Supporting Learners, Militia House, 109/111 English Street, Dumfries DG1 2HR
What happens next
We will then contact you to progress your request to withdraw your child from Dumfries and Galloway Education.
You will then be asked to tell us how you intend to provide an efficient and suitable education for your child. You will then receive a letter informing you whether your request has been granted or whether further information is required.
If consent is granted, the child's name will be removed from the school roll.
If consent is not granted
If consent is not granted, we will be clear about why the request has been refused. You will be given the opportunity to address why it has been refused. You can also resubmit your request.
Situtations where you do not need to request consent
Consent is not needed if your child:
- has never attended a public school
- has never attended a public school in that authority's area
- is being withdrawn from an independent school
- has finished primary education in one school but has not started secondary education in another
- has been attending a school that has closed
Formal qualifications
There is no legal requirement for children to sit a particular set of examinations. If you want your child to take a particular qualification, you should investigate thoroughly whether, and how easily, your child is able to access examination and assessment arrangements.
You can make arrangements for your child to sit formal exams, for example, through their local college. You are responsible for any costs associated with this.
Children with additional support needs
Your right to home educate your child is not changed if they have additional support needs. However, it is reasonable for us to ask you how you plan to cater for their needs at home.
We are not obligated to provide financial or other support for children with additional support needs who are home educated.
Contact us
For further information: