Employment of children and young people Employment rules and guidelines for school age pupils and the pupil permit application form for part-time employment. Home education Your rights as a parent or carer to educate a child at home instead of at a school. Parent Councils The role of a Parent Council, how to set one up and how to get involved. Parental involvement and engagement How you can be involved and engaged in the education of your children and how we can support you. Education authority schools handbook A handbook for parents and carers, published once a year, on all aspects of your child's education. Duty of candour Our duty of candour for when things go wrong, what it means for health and social care services and our annual duty of candour report. Children, young people and families Child protection, adoption and fostering, kinship care, getting it right for every child, young carers, local NHS services.
Employment of children and young people Employment rules and guidelines for school age pupils and the pupil permit application form for part-time employment.
Parental involvement and engagement How you can be involved and engaged in the education of your children and how we can support you.
Education authority schools handbook A handbook for parents and carers, published once a year, on all aspects of your child's education.
Duty of candour Our duty of candour for when things go wrong, what it means for health and social care services and our annual duty of candour report.
Children, young people and families Child protection, adoption and fostering, kinship care, getting it right for every child, young carers, local NHS services.