This is your new website for Dumfries and Galloway
We are still moving the old webpages, so you may find yourself back on our old council website from time to time.
As a developer applying for planning permission, you may be required to make a developer contribution towards paying for new services and infrastructure.
As a developer, you may be asked to provide financial contributions for infrastructure when applying for planning permission. This is generally where there is insufficient capacity to support future development.
These payments are known as developer contributions and are regularly required for new facilities, such as:
Developer contribution costs should be budgeted for when buying land for development and working out project costs. Ahead of submitting a planning application, you should calculate likely developer contribution costs by using the:
You can download both of these documents from supplementary guidance to LDP2.
In cases where contributions have been identified as necessary to allow development to happen, then a legal agreement will need to be entered into between:
Should a planning authority approve a planning application and identify development contributions, planning permission will not be released unless a legal agreement is concluded to provide for these payments.