Dumfries and Galloway Council’s three-year funding gap has risen to £34.32M. The council’s Enabling and Customer Services Committee will receive an update on Tuesday 11 February on the council’s budget position and financial projections for the next three years.
Dumfries and Galloway Council is inviting submissions for its Call for Sites and Ideas as part of the development of the region’s third Local Development Plan (LDP3).
The Solway Coast and Marine Project (SCAMP) has unveiled an exciting programme of free events and training opportunities to connect local people with the unique coastal environments of Dumfries and Galloway.
Galloway Action Team (GAT) has been presented with the highest award a local voluntary organisation can achieve – The King’s Award for Voluntary Service.
Councillors will be asked to consider a report and agree the Local Place Plans (LPPs) for Port William and Moffat at a meeting of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee on 4 February.
Members of the council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee will be provided with an update on the ongoing efforts to address challenges at the former Interfloor Factory site in Heathhall, Dumfries.
At its meeting on 4 February, members of the council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee will consider a report on a recent audit of the council’s capacity to deliver its statutory food law duties and the proactive measures that have been put in place by the Community Protection Service.
Due to Storm Eowyn and the Red and Amber weather warnings that are in place covering our region, and in line with Police Scotland and Met Office guidance, we have taken the decision to close all non-essential council buildings on Friday 24 January.