Antisocial behaviour is persistently acting in a manner that causes, or is likely to cause, alarm or distress to other people. This can include:
- disregard for community or personal wellbeing, including noise, rowdy and nuisance behaviour
- acts directed at people, including intimidation and harassment
- environmental damage, including criminal damage, vandalism, litter and fly-tipping or graffiti
- misuse of public space, including street drinking, drug or substance misuse and dealing
To report anti-social behaviour:
- email:
- telephone: 030 33 33 3000
Mediation service
Our community safety team's mediation service can help you agree on practical solutions to problems.
A mediator can help:
- people explain how they feel and what they need
- those involved think of practical solutions
- keep things calm
- make discussions feel positive
- ensure everyone is heard
- test any agreement to make sure it is practical
Our mediators are accredited by the Scottish Community Mediation Network. Contact us to find out if your situation could benefit from mediation:
- email:
- telephone: 030 33 33 3000
- post: Community Safety Team, Carruthers House, English Street, Dumfries DG1 2HP