Report fly-tipping

Find out how to report the illegal dumping of rubbish or other waste.

Our community safety officers can issue a fixed penalty notice of £500 to anyone caught fly-tipping. Serious offences can be prosecuted through the courts, with fines of up to £40,000 and even a prison sentence.

How to report fly-tipping

We need to know:

  • where the problem is
  • how much rubbish has been dumped
  • what kind of rubbish has been dumped
  • your contact details

If you saw the rubbish being dumped, it will help us if you can tell us:

  • the date and time you saw it happen
  • a description of the vehicle or people responsible

Do not get involved with the fly tippers or try to stop them.

Report fly-tipping

You can also report it by:

Fly-tipping on private land

We can only remove this type of waste if it's on public land. If it's on private land, the occupier or owner is responsible for removal.