Notice to mariners for Garlieston Harbour
Garlieston Harbour is on the east coast of the Machars peninsula. The harbour is on the west side of Garlieston quays and is protected from southerly sea winds.
It is supervised by a part time harbour master. There is no active management of vessel movements.
Garlieston Harbour facilities
Garlieston Harbour is the base for a few small fishing vessels. Several pleasure craft also moor in the harbour area. Occasionally, small coasters visit the harbour.
Garlieston Harbour has:
- bollards
- wooden fenders
- access ladders
- water
- electricity points
The harbour is located next to the town of Garlieston, which has:
- shops
- a cafe in the summer
- a pub
- fuel from a nearby garage
Harbour documents
Our harbour documents section has:
- a berths and moorings application form
- our harbours directory
- harbour fees and charges
- harbour electricity supply charges
Pay for a visitor berth booking
If you have applied for a berth, you can pay for it online.
Pay for a visitor berth booking
Report an incident
An incident is any event that causes harm, damage or environmental contamination to a person, vessel or object within the waters of a statutory harbour area or its approaches.
Near misses are events that had the potential to cause an incident. Near misses should also be reported.
Nautical information
Nautical information for Garlieston Harbour includes:
- latitude of 54º 47' 21" N
- longitude of 04º 21' 45" W
- admiral charts: 1411, 1121, 1826 and 2094
- Imray: C62
Tidal range and depth
Garlieston Harbour has the following tidal ranges and depths:
- springs – 3.8 to 6.1 metres
- neaps – 1.8 to 3.3 metres
Harbour empowerment order
We hold an empowerment order for Garlieston Harbour. This order allows us to legally improve, maintain and manage the harbour.
Garlieston Harbour
United Kingdom
Garlieston Harbour Master