Update on council services affected by Storm Eowyn
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Apply for social rented housing, through Homes4D&G and Loreburn Housing Association.
Social housing is affordable housing with long-term tenancies, rented out by councils and housing associations.
We do not own or provide any social housing. The main way to rent new and affordable social housing in Dumfries and Galloway is through a housing association.
There are 2 ways to apply to rent social housing in Dumfries and Galloway.
Homes4D&G letting service is a common housing partnership, consisting of 4 housing associations:
By law, anyone aged 16 or over can:
All available properties are advertised through a choice-based letting system. You are then directly matched to suitable properties that meet your needs, as and when they become available.
Loreburn Housing Association also use a choice-based letting system.
Register with Loreburn Housing Association
Once registered, you may express an interest, or ‘bid’ on properties that are advertised and available for letting.