Tell us if your address or other circumstances change
You must tell us about any change of address or other circumstances that may affect whether you qualify for the benefits you get.
We will review any benefits you get if your address or other circumstances change. This is to make sure:
- you are getting the correct amount of benefit
- you are not getting a benefit you do not qualify for
- you are not missing out on a benefit you do qualify for but do not get
Changes in your circumstances
We need to know if there are changes to your household or your household income, investments or savings. Examples of changes you need to tell us about include:
- having a child
- getting married, separated or divorced
- children leaving school or finishing full-time education
- starting or ending work
- selling a property
- your pay changing, including overtime, bonus or commission
- your entitlement to any benefits starts or ends
- going into or leaving hospital
Tell us about a change in your circumstances
You can also:
- call 030 33 33 3006
- visit a customer service centre
- write to Benefits Team, PO Box 9089, Dumfries DG1 9EB
Moving home
We need to know if you change address so we are able to contact you about your benefits.