Each clothes bank has excellent to good-condition warm winter clothes, which are suitable for anyone to help in cold weather:
- Reuse Recycle, Enterprise House, Fountain Way, Stranraer DG9 7UD, 01776 707375
- Newton Stewart Initiative Community Shop, Dashwood Square, Newton Stewart DG8 6EQ, 01671 401449
- Dalbeattie Community Inititiave, 71 High Street, Dalbeattie DG5 4HA, 01556 612752
- Action for Children, Kirkfield, Greystone Avenue, Kelloholm DG4 6RB, 01659 66135
- Newstart Recycle, Provost Mill, North Queensberry Street, Annan DG12 5BL, 01461 202430
- SHAX Shop, 4 Nith Street, Dumfries DG1 2PW (open Tuesdays to Saturdays, 10am to 4pm), Call: 01387 245358
We also have free school uniform banks, some at locations that also have warm winter clothes.